Elvui download warlords of draenor 6.2.3
Elvui download warlords of draenor 6.2.3

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* Updated: Elemental Shaman rotation changed to cater for Class trinket * Fixed: Calcuation of DOT refresh timer when toon does NOT have class trinket and has Unleash Fury talent * Fixed: Calcuation of Elemental Fussion Charges (not factoring in Spell in Cast correctly) * Fixed: Range check on Windstrike removed because it the Blizzard API doesnt return correct value * Fixed: Elemental rotation when Flameshock on cooldown, Flameshock Debuff missing and Assended * Updated: Elemental shaman 2nd prompt for Flameshock from 30% of duration to 9 Seconds * Updated: Spell usability checks before recommending spells to support lower level shamans

#Elvui download warlords of draenor 6.2.3 update

* Fixed: Removed some redundant code, Update Elementarist:detectTalent to remove hard coding of specalisation names (makes frame work more portable - maybe for my mage one day) * Fixed: Earthquake shows with Enhanced Lighting Buff in AoE Icon * Fixed: Windshear now shows only on interuptable spells * Updated: Saves Debug mode between sessions and displays status on Entering World * Updated: Added new "UpsideDown" layout for arrangement of Icons * Updated: Options to disable DPS and Threat text plus disable new Buff dispaly in Main Debuff Tracker Icon * Updated: Include Unleash Flame and Elemental Fussion stack display to main Debuff Tracker Icon * Updated: How the array for each module loads the configuration option in configuration window * Added: Options to prioritze spells to maximize buffs when applying Flameshock ***v3.7.0 Code optimization and pre-release testing

Elvui download warlords of draenor 6.2.3